Fundraisers ( 1 Result )
Fundraising for:
World Vision Philippines
Nothing special about me. I'm just a typical individual in a world with billions.I also experience hunger, tears, rejections, problems, crisis, hate, and many more...I am stubborn, I am boastful, I am insensitive, I am malcontent, I am envious about a lot of things, and many more negative qualities.I am far from being a good individual... And to this day, I still have a lot of things that I want to overcome in this life..But one thing that I am proud of is that I didn't lose hope on myself. Same thing that I have kept my hope in this world.I believe that all of us are brothers and sisters regardless of our status in life. I don't want to wait for the change to happen in this world. I want the change to start with me.I've been active in supporting children during Christmas Season for the last 5 years by being a bridge for them to the people who has the heart for helping. I have been a World Vision Sponsor for the last 1 and a half year.To be honest, nothing has changed in my life since then :) I still experience hardships and challenges.What I realized is that helping will not save you from problems and will not make you a better person.But it will give you a better perspective in life.Since I supported the ministry for children, everything just got better and sweeter. Challenges jot bigger. Problems became more frequent. Difficulties seems a regular thing now.But I developed a bigger heart in the process which made my everyday worth living for.Be a blessing to someone today.Share the blessings of Health and Nutrition.