Fundraisers ( 2 Results )
Fundraising for:
Ferris Wheel Organisation
Maccnez is turning ONE! We want to thank you all for sending love gifts for Maccnez and in return we will 'Plant-A-Pod' to support for a charity project for urban farming. These charity Pods will be named after Maccnez where they will grow into healthy vegetables 🥬 And all proceeds from the harvest will be used to help provide basic food neccessities for the underprivileged community. If you would like to do some good too, you may also donate to support and the Pod can be named after you ☺️ For more info: @ferriswheelorg #ferrisgreenproject 011-59281788
Fundraising for:
Ferris Wheel Organisation
Birthday celebrations are great. But not everyone are blessed to have them or receive gifts for their birthdays. That's why this year for Ellanie's birthday, come join me as I pledge to raise funds for a childrens home so that these children will be blessed with toys/gifts as we share our happiness with the less fortunate. If you are planning to get a gift for Ellanie, please consider donating towards the pledge ☺️ 相信大部分的小朋友都期待生日庆生, 但不是每个小朋友都有幸拥有同等的待遇或命运。 今年是 Ellanie 的3岁生日,除了帮 Ellanie 庆生之外,我们也借此机会跟本地慈善機構 Ferris Wheel Organization 合作,一起为PJ SHELTER HOME 的儿童筹款。這家兒童庇護所是專門為一些被遺棄和被虐待的小朋友而設的。我們會把募款购买生日礼包送给這家庇護所的十二位小朋友 (年齡介於 4-12歲), 让他们一起感受生日庆生的喜悦。施比受更有福,讓我們一起把對Ellanie 的愛分享給需要的社群。 感恩🙏