Fundraisers ( 12 Results )

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)
Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. Phil, Minka, and I will be walking for a great cause. Our rescue dog has changed our lives! She brings so much love and joy to us and many others everyday. Please make a donation to help home dogs rescued from inevitable death, educate humans, and locate loving families for these beautiful souls. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in Hong Kong Dog Rescue Peak to Fong 2014, sponsored by Disney in 23/11/2014 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Laura Mannering

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)
Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. I will be taking part in Hong Kong Dog Rescue Peak to Fong 2014, sponsored by Disney in 23/11/2014 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) HKDR’s mission is to Rescue, Rehabilitate and Re-home abandoned and unwanted dogs. They believe TNR (Trap, Neuter and Return) to be a humane and effective solution to the stray dog problem. Hence they have a 'no-kill' policy. I've been volunteering at HKDR for 4 years now and even adopted a one-eyed Pekingese-mix called Aga. Hope you guys support HKDR and all the poor abandoned doggies ;) Kristy

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)
Hi, thank you for visiting our family fundraising page! Not all Dogs have a life of human food, spa days and too many toys, Douglas knows he lives the good life and wants to pay it forward by helping the great people at HKDR as they try to give every dog a wonderful life. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! Douglas, Gareth and Tanya will be taking part in Hong Kong Dog Rescue Peak to Fong 2014, sponsored by Disney in 23/11/2014 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) Please dig deep and donate, every little counts!

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)
Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in Hong Kong Dog Rescue Peak to Fong 2014, sponsored by Disney in 23/11/2014 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Kim Yip
Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)
Grenache will join 2015 Peak-to-Fong to raise money for HKDR. Pls sponsor her! - What is sponsored walk program? : You Sponsor dogs to complete the walk from PEAK to Lan Kwai FONG. $ will go to HKDR to help homeless dogs. - Can Grenache walk that far? : F2F rather than Peak to Fong! Her helper will carry her and walk in LKF non-stop for 1.5 hr. C’mon, she is 14(=98yo in human year) and blind, and her helper is getting there too. Be nice! Senior Fong-to-Fong! - Why Yoda G needs your sponsorship? : She needs your help to prove that senior dogs deserve to be respected and appreciated too. Age doesn’t matter but effort does. Oldies are still productive and can help others too. If umbrellas are considered weapons, why not walking sticks? Power to senior and their canes. Go Senior Go! Grenache’s story : In 2013, a 13 year-old blind & hairless dog was abandoned in a small local shelter. Judging from her age, vision, hairless body and public’s limited knowledge on this breed, she had v slim chance to be adopted there. She could’ve been euthanized or passed away with little notice. Thanks to the caring volunteers, she was moved from the local shelter to HKDR. We met there on my 2 wks after my other HKDR dog Dolly passed away. Her name is Grenache - the coolest dog I’ve ever have.

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)
Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. I will be taking part in Hong Kong Dog Rescue Peak to Fong 2014, sponsored by Disney in 23/11/2014 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! May So

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)
Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. I will be taking part in Hong Kong Dog Rescue Peak to Fong 2014, sponsored by Disney in 23/11/2014 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! May So

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)
又係雷米報恩嘅時候喇!!! Hong Kong Dog Rescue(HKDR)一年一度大型步行籌款活動Peak to Fong將會喺11月23日舉行,今年係我同米米第5年參加,我哋會喺山頂廣場起步,以蘭桂坊為終點,所有籌得嘅善款都會全數用捐俾HKDR用作幫助無家狗狗之用。雷米米當年就係其中一隻有幸被HKDR由漁農處手上救出嘅狗,如果冇HKDR,米米就已經唔存在喺世上。當然每日仍有無數嘅流浪狗冇米米咁好彩,俾漁農處捉到後4日內冇人認領,就會被人道毀滅,而HKDR主要就係喺漁農處手中拯救生命正在倒數嘅狗狗。希望各位可以贊助我同雷米米今年第5次嘅籌款(加報恩^^)活動。 P.S. 雷米米係喺2011年3月28日正式成為我嘅寶貝仔 :)

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)
Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in Hong Kong Dog Rescue Peak to Fong 2014, sponsored by Disney in 23/11/2014 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Mae Kwan

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)
Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page! I will be taking part in Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)'s Peak to Fong Sponsored Walk 2014 on 23 November and aiming to raise money for HKDR. All funds raised will go towards HKDR’s operating costs, including much needed veterinary care, purchase of dog food, dog beds and kennel supplies. Up to 15,000 dogs are destroyed each year in Hong Kong simply because they have no home. To date HKDR has found new homes for around 7,000 lucky dogs and puppies, which is a lot of lives saved but still a small percentage of the total number needing help. HKDR is my chosen charity given my soft spot for man's best friend! Through you can make safe and secure donations to help these dogs find their "fur-ever" home. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! Please dig deep and donate, every little counts for these pups!

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)
Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in Hong Kong Dog Rescue Peak to Fong 2014, sponsored by Disney on 23/11/2014 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR). Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Vivian Chan

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)
Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. I (and my ex-HKDR rescue dog, Memphis) will be taking part in Hong Kong Dog Rescue's Peak to Fong 2014, sponsored by Disney on 23/11/2014 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) Around 10,000 dogs and puppies are officially destroyed every year in Hong Kong, with a further unknown number of those having been abandoned dying from disease or starvation. Some are lucky and are rescued by organisations like HKDR. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Rebecca Frith