Fundraising Event

HKDR Peak to Fong 2012 sponsored by Disney

  • 11/25/2012 - 1/25/2013
  • Hong Kong
Raised So Far HKD 50,714
100% Complete
Target : HKD 0

Fundraisers ( 17 Results )

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)

Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in HKDR Peak to Fong 2012 sponsored by Disney in 25/11/2012 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Luci  

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Raised So Far : HKD 200

Target : HKD 5,000

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)

Hi, thank you for visiting our fundraising page. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to our chosen charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. Our page allows you to follow our progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join us and get involved yourself! We will be taking part in HKDR Peak to Fong 2012 sponsored by Disney in 25/11/2012 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue. To know more about the event, please see Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! With Love to Dogs, Jimmy, Sylvia and Yuelin  

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Raised So Far : HKD 650

Target : HKD 1,000

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)

We managed to raise $9,860 so far for HKDR in total including cash and online donations... Thank you everyone! Hi Everyone, Bruno, Louie and Emmie are donning matching T-shirts with Disney characters (slightly too old for that and potentially embarrassing, but for a good cause ;-) ), and walking from the Peak to Fong to support Hong Kong Dog Rescue. If anyone would like to support HKDR, please either come and join us for the walk, the party, or sponsor us for the event on Sunday, November 25th. All proceeds will go to help the animals at Hong Kong Dog Rescue. You can either sponsor us on this website, or via cheque or cash to us directly. All sponsorships with email addresses provided will be sent a tax receipt. Please find more information and the event schedule at the following link: Please dig deep, every little bit counts! Bruno, Emmie and Louie xx  

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Raised So Far : HKD 7,350

Target : HKD 7,500

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)

Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in HKDR Peak to Fong 2012 sponsored by Disney in 25/11/2012 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! New User  

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Raised So Far : HKD 2,700

Target : HKD 880

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)

Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page! Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to HKDR. I will be taking part in the HKDR Peak to Fong 2012 sponsored by Disney on 25/11/2012 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue! OK so Bruno my little fatty can't make the long walk but I will be walking a HKDR poochie instead. Please donate, every little bit counts!  

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Raised So Far : HKD 3,650

Target : HKD 3,000

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)

Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. Steve, Toby and I will be taking part in the Hong Kong Dog Rescue's Peak to Fong walk on Nov 25th 2012. Money raised will go towards the care of abandoned dogs, as well as education about pet ownership. It means a lot to us to be able to support the HKDR because without them, and organisations like them, our dog Toby and thousands of other beloved pets wouldn't be alive today. The HKDR has a 'no kill' policy, which means they need constant funding for shelter, food and vet care for hundreds of abandoned dogs. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! Please donate whatever you can, every little counts! Mel x  

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Raised So Far : HKD 550

Target : HKD 1,000

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)

Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in HKDR Peak to Fong 2012 sponsored by Disney in 25/11/2012 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! New User  

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Raised So Far : HKD 1,200

Target : HKD 5,000

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)

Hi Thank you for visiting our fundraising page. Madison, Kodi and I will be hiking once again from the Peak to Lan Kwai Fong (Peak2Fong 2013, sponsored by Disney) on Nov 17. Aiming once again to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue. Money raised goes towards vet bills, food and what ever else these loving dogs need while they wait for their forever loving homes. Hong Kong Dog Rescue is a NO KILL SHELTER Last year we raised over $15000.00. So once again I hope you can help with this years fund raiser. No matter where you are in this small world you can donate its very easy. Please sponsor us, any amount is fine as every amount counts! Many thanks for your support! Love xxx, Kodi, Madison and Nina Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in HKDR Peak to Fong 2012 sponsored by Disney in 25/11/2012 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue Please dig deep and donate, every little counts!  

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Raised So Far : HKD 5,250

Target : HKD 20,000

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)

Hi, thank you for visiting Ovolo's fundraising page. We will be taking part in HKDR Peak to Fong Walk 2012 sponsored by Disney on November 25th in order to raise funds for the Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) Why are we doing this? Every year more than 20,000 dogs are 'put down' in Hong Kong simply because they cannot find a loving owner and home. HKDR's noble aim is to find homes for these numerous abandoned dogs. The organization has saved around 5,000 lucky dogs and puppies already this year but more can be done! Please help Ovolo make a difference and save some 'woofers' by giving generously. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to HKDR. Every little counts! XOXO OVOLO  

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Raised So Far : HKD 0

Target : HKD 5,000

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)

Hi, Thank you for visiting our fundraising page. We will be hiking with mom and dad from the Peak to Lan Kwai Fong (Peak2Fong 2012, sponsored by Disney) on Nov 25. We are aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue, who rescued and helped us to find our sweet home. Please sponsor us, any amount is fine as every little counts! Many thanks for your support! Love xxx, Mochi and HorLok Note : Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to our charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself!  

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Raised So Far : HKD 1,500

Target : HKD 5,000

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)

It is time to raise fund for HKDR! This is my 2nd Peak to Fong. Last time, due to your kind support, I raised over $6,999. This year I have more reasons for you to donate more: 1. we adopted a senior toothless dog Dolly from HKDR. If not for HKDR, our girl could have been executed. Your donation can help many dogs like Dolly. For those who haven’t seen my dolly HKDR powerpoint, here is the link: Please give a few bucks if you like my "Story of D" 2. It is good to exceed last year’s goal. Kung hei fat choy! 3. Crazy inflation in HK, thus more $$$ is needed to keep HKDR running. All my friends: • If you missed my birthday, and would like to retro-give me a birthday present. Here is your chance. You don’t easily get a second chance in life. I give you one, hehe. Isn’t it cool? It’s just like the movie Inception……but you are a part of it! • My legs were sore for whole week last year. I’m older now, so it probably lasts more than 1 week. Now, you can pay to torture me!!! Isn’t it wonderful?! For those technophobes who don’t feel comfortable donating online, I’ll bring you a form to fill out. Special remarks for these people: JI: Pls pay my dentist pimping fee as a donation to HKDR. Think about how much $$$ you’ve saved and the fact that Dr S gives you peace of mind. MC: you’ve been to HKDR. you know how poor dogs were abandoned. Please donate more this year. Great if you and Daddy(or even KFC and Nigel) can donate separately. I don’t have your big sis’s and Margaret’s info, please ask them to help too. Auntie K: You are my biggest supporter last year, pls ,if not the biggest, be a big one again. 珍姐天地會員: donate more if the posters make you laughed. 珍迷們(A貨Amina):Foul language charge + Membership fee! Donate! HT: Donate more than you did last year and more than the cost of the last whiskey you consumed. oh, if your last whiskey is cheap, pls donate the cost of my “urban legend” Selosse initiale.? i hv enough gods at home to worship. Head Nurse of Malfunctioned Rockets Ward: You didn’t donate last year. We accept rain cheque. Double please. One from Happy, One from Sinbad. Blackstone高層英女王: 請注資, Just a fraction of your big bonus la. 捐埋ah松個份. 今年捐多d, 你添,勝!  

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Raised So Far : HKD 6,000

Target : HKD 7,999

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)

Thank you for visiting our fundraising page! We will be taking part in this year's HKDR Peak to Fong sponsored by Disney on 25/11/2012. All donations collected for the event will go to Hong Kong Dog Rescue in support of their humanitarian works with local dogs. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to Hong Kong Dog Rescue. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. So, please dig deep and donate-- every cent counts! With appreciation, Vickie and Pecan  

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Raised So Far : HKD 1,600

Target : HKD 1,000

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)

WOOF! If it wasn't for HKDR I would be dead now. I am walking from the peak to LKF on Nov 25, it may not seem far to you but I only have little legs! Please help them to raise money to save more dogs by sponsoring me for this event. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to HKDR. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in HKDR Peak to Fong 2012 sponsored by Disney in 25/11/2012 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Thanks! Gaston!  

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Raised So Far : HKD 3,299

Target : HKD 5,000

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)

Hi! 今年我同雷米米(Remy, ex-HKDR dog)繼續會參與由HKDR舉辦嘅年度大型步行籌款活動Peak to Fong 2012,今年會係我哋第三年參與,希望各位親朋好友繼續大力贊助我哋,今次我喺simplygiving開咗個account, 可以更加方便大家捐款,直接網上由simplygiving過數俾HKDR, 省卻大家要搵我交收或者要去銀行過數俾我之餘,我亦無需喺P2F當日帶住各位嘅贊助(大量現金!!!)走來走去。大家可以放心, simplygiving係HKDR認可嘅捐款網站,但如果大家仍然對網上過數有疑慮,歡迎搵我交收或過數俾我。 Hi, Remy(ex HKDR dog) and I will be taking part in HKDR Peak to Fong 2012 sponsored by Disney in 25/11/2012 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR). Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor Remy and me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to HKDR. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! Of course you may give the donation money to me in person or transfer to my bank account if you prefer the traditional way. Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Peggy & Remy  

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Raised So Far : HKD 9,015

Target : HKD 6,500

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)

Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in HKDR Peak to Fong 2012 sponsored by Disney in 25/11/2012 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! Alicia  

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Raised So Far : HKD 1,450

Target : HKD 1,000

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)

Hi, thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page. Through you can make safe and secure donations to sponsor me. The proceeds of your support are immediately sent directly to my charity. Using this given platform is really simple and most importantly it's also a really cost efficient way for the charity to raise funds. My page allows you to follow my progress; share it with friends; voice encouragement or even join me and get involved yourself! I will be taking part in HKDR Peak to Fong 2012 sponsored by Disney in 25/11/2012 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue Please dig deep and donate, every little counts! New User  

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Raised So Far : HKD 1,000

Target : HKD 5,000

Fundraising for:
Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR)

Hi, thank you for visiting our fundraising page. We will be taking part in HKDR Peak to Fong 2012 sponsored by Disney in 25/11/2012 and aiming to raise money for Hong Kong Dog Rescue In Hong Kong, more than 20,000 dogs are put to death each year simply because they have no home. HKDR has found new homes for around 5,000 lucky dogs and puppies (but it's still a small percentage of the total number). Therefore, HKDR's aim is to increase the number of dogs saved while decreasing the number of dogs abandoned, or simply unwanted. Please support CHI-yah Pets by sponsoring generously, and help us to make a difference. CHI Residences  

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Raised So Far : HKD 5,000

Target : HKD 5,000