Fundraisers ( 2 Results )
Fundraising for:
The Hong Kong Student Aid Society Limited
明年21/1/2024 渣打馬拉松 🏃♀ 10km 我報名了~請多多支持,為我持續練習打氣!早在十幾年前曾想過柴娃娃去跑渣馬,參與一下盛事~其實自己一向都唔係運動人🏋一直都在羨慕和打氣自2021年身體有點小毛病,努力減重後漸漸接觸健身和跑步,其實很喜歡達成短目標和享受運動的快樂。見到自己舉啞鈴,由堅城跑到銅鑼灣,無想過自己可以做到,亦在疫情期間紓解了閉關的苦悶,促進身心健康。疫情漸退,忙碌生活依舊,加上可以進行其他聚會活動,運動🏋動力慢慢減弱。今年暑假後其實已經覺得要重新起動,剛好工作機構參與渣打馬拉松慈善計劃,參加者所籌得善款會全數撥歸機構運作使用,不需扣除渣馬行政費,為是次賽事更添意義。如認同支持我工作機構理念,歡迎贊助我是次慈善跑!按以下籌款頁或直接捐款至香港學生輔助會(經本網頁捐款可選由捐款者或受惠機構承擔此籌募平台的5%行政費。亦歡迎你選以下兩個方法,將善款100%捐至受惠機構1. 劃線支票 (支票抬頭:「香港學生輔助會有限公司」)2. 直接存款入本會匯豐銀行戶口 741-382055-292,並將銀行入數紙 / 自動櫃員機保留存根)
Fundraising for:
The Hong Kong Student Aid Society Limited
Hong Kong Student Aid Society offers residential care services to children and youth who are unable to live with their birth families. These youth individuals often come from disadvantaged background, facing limited resources and opportunities. Yet, they all deserve the chance to unlock their potential and pursue their dreams. Your contribution has the power to make a significant impact on their lives.