Fundraisers ( 5 Results )

Fundraising for:
UNICEF Malaysia
We are students from Tunku Abdul Rahman College(TARC) penang branch that are currently studying in Diploma in Computer Science (DCS) from the tutorial group DCS2 and we will be organizing a fund-raising event for unicef Malaysia.Our initial target is RM 500. We think this amount is justifiable as many people are going through difficult times due to the COVID-19 pandemic where a lot of people has lost their jobs and are in need of help in terms of food and daily necessities. Even though COVID-19 pandemic has made our country economically unstable, we still believe there is a lot of good hearts out there that will help us in achieving our target fund.We chose Unicef Malaysia instead of another international/local organization is because we passionately believe that unicef has what it takes to help our country with the ongoing COVID-19. Unicef Malaysia has been operating since 1954 which proves that the organization is experienced in a variety of situations. Based on the annual review provided by unicef they have managed to procured more than 3.486 billion. Around 183.9 million is used for nutrition supplies where the rest of the amount is used for pharmaceuticals,vaccines and education supplies. As the current pandemic is related to Medical & Health, we firmly believe that by hosting a charity fund for unicef Malaysia, we will be able to help those in need. Furthermore, we chose unicef Malaysia because they regularly update their main Web Page as well as constantly gave report about the ongoing current issue. As an example unicef Malaysia recently release a report about impact of COVID-19 crisis on women and children in low income urban families in Malaysia.

Fundraising for:
UNICEF Malaysia
We are the Blue Warriors who are passionate about the rights of the children. Every child have right to be protected. Nothing breaks our heart more than seeing kids out there facing the shortage of basic needs especially during this pandemic, such as healthcare and basic hygiene kits. Thus, we, the Blue Warriors determined to raise RM 3000 via this platform as a humble effort to contribute to UNICEF's appeals of close to RM 7 billion to scale up global humanitarian responses during COVID-19. But we couldn't do this without you! Hence this is why we are here, to ask for your help to make things possible that seems impossible for these children. Guess what? Your kind gesture will help the children and their family who are affected by COVID-19. And at the same time, you get to see us jump and sweat! With every ringgit of your kind donation, we are doing 1 jumping jack! That's right, if we reach RM 3000, that’s 3000 jumping jacks. Phew! We will record the jumping jacks for every RM 1000 milestone achieved and share it for your entertainment. Let's make it more fun! We challenge you to jump with us while spreading the campaign around. The more people jump, the more kindness are spread.Smash that "Donate Now" button and start spreading the words around!P/S: Don't forget to post your video of jumping jack and use our hashtags below in your social media platforms. #3000jumpingjackschallenge #COVID19appeal #BlueWarriorsKL #MYunicefteam Love,Blue Warriors "Healthcare is not a privilege, it’s every child's rights". _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Kami Blue Warriors, pejuang hak asasi kanak-kanak. Setiap kanak-kanak ada hak untuk dilindungi. Sayu hati kami melihat kanak-kanak di luar sana kekurangan bekalan asas khususnya di musim pandemik ini, sesuatu seperti penjagaan kesihatan dan kit asas sanitasi. Dengan itu kami Blue Warriors nekad untuk mengumpul RM 3000 dana melalui platform ini sebagai sokongan terhadap rayuan UNICEF bagi mendapatkan hampir RM 7 bilion untuk meningkatkan dan mengembangkan usaha misi kemanusiaan global melawan COVID-19. Tanpa bantuan anda, kami pasti tidak dapat melakukannya! Jadi, kami ingin memohon anda semua untuk menjadikan keadaan kurang mustahil untuk anak-anak ini.Cuba teka? Kebaikan hati anda akan dapat membantu kanak-kanak dan keluarga mereka yang terkesan dengan COVID-19 pada masa ini. Dan pada masa yang sama, anda dapat melihat kami melompat dan berpeluh! Bagi setiap Ringgit sumbangan anda, kami akan melompat bintang 1 kali. Betul! Jika dana yang dikumpul mencecah RM 3000, kami akan melompat 3000 kali! Fuh! Kami akan merakam lompatan kami setiap kali mencecah RM 1000 dan akan memuatnaik video untuk tontonan anda. Untuk membuat ia lebih menarik lagi, kami mengajak anda untuk turut serta melompat bintang dengan kami dan menularkan kempen ini. Lebih ramai yang melompat, lebih banyak kebaikan kita sebarkan.Tempeleng butang "Donate Now" itu sekarang dan mula menyebarkan kebaikan. P/S: Jangan lupa memuatnaik video anda melompat di platform media sosial anda menggunakan hashtag kami. #3000jumpingjackschallenge #COVID19appeal #BlueWarriorsKL #MYunicefteam Penuh kasih sayang,Blue Warriors "Penjagaan kesihatan bukan satu kemewahan, ia adalah hak setiap kanak-kanak"

Fundraising for:
UNICEF Malaysia
We are a mighty team known as the Golden Heroes who have come together to fundraise for UNICEF during this global pandemic. With the outbreak rising cases of the COVID-19 globally and time is ticking, we believe effective action is needed to contain the virus. We take a strong stand to raise fund for the immediate needs of the frontliners, children and families to keep them safe and protected — fundraising will make a massive difference!For more information, click here: Can You Do Now? The virus puts anyone in danger regardless gender, race, age nor geographical background. Anyone could be prone to virus especially children. With your humble and generous contribution, UNICEF will be able to provide immediate supplies wherever is needed. You can be a superhero from home to save every child from being a victim of COVID-19! Let’s come together in this fight by donating now! "The smallest act of kindness is worth more than greatest intention" -Khalil Gibran-Thank you everyone for your kind support.#COVID19appeal #GoldenHeroesKL2 #MYunicefteam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Golden Heroes are made of 14 team members who are Puteri, Shuhada, Syukran, Shanti, Diman, Maisarah, Shahirrah, Keerthna, Shahidah, Farhana, Aina, Hamka, Syahira, and Syahmi.
Fundraising for:
UNICEF Malaysia
Have you ever dreamed of making the world a better place? We are Golden Eagles, a group of 16 passionate individuals who are coming together to raise funds for those affected by COVID-19. We love children and we believe they are the future of tomorrow. That is why we have to act NOW.This is a race against time, as COVID-19 infections continue to soar, quickly reaching the most vulnerable. But, those on the front-line remain dedicated. Around the world, UNICEF is working with governments, the World Health Organization, other UN agencies and NGOs, to stop the transmission of COVID-19. Millions of people have died and some are affected by the outbreak economically, socially and emotionally. In response to this pandemic, lets join hands and make a donation to assist the families and children who are at risk in:HealthcareNutritionEducationChild-protectionPsycho-social support YOU AND I CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. LET'S DONATE TODAY 😊PS 😉: For the first RM 1000 raised, Golden Eagles will do 25 squats and post it here. So, let's do this!

Fundraising for:
UNICEF Malaysia
Together we can beat COVID-19 Hiyaa! The Changemakers is a dedicated team to save children around the world especially during this global pandemic, COVID-19. UNICEF is actively working with governments, the World Health Organization, other UN agencies and NGOs, to stop the transmission of COVID-19. Right now, our healthcare workers are on the front lines in battling the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) that is spreading rapidly throughout our world. This virus affects anyone regardless age, gender, race and religion. Therefore, everyone should be protected from the virus especially our children globally. We want all children to live happily without any constraints that can threaten their health and safety. Join The Changemakers team and start donating to UNICEF for this cause. Together, we can help stop the spread of COVID-19. Upon reaching RM 1400 donation, we, The Changemakers will challenge ourselves to record and post a 60 seconds workout in our page. We encourage you to participate in the challenge and upload it in your social media. Don't forget to tag us and use our hashtag below. Let the ball rolling! #60secondschallengeworkout#COVID19appeal#thechangemakersteam#MYunicefteam COVID, COVID go away Never come back on any day Little children around the world Want to play COVID, COVID, go away Please join us. Let’s unite in our efforts to recover, rebound, and reimagine a stronger future for every child. #TikTokChallenge #COVID19appeal #thechangemakersteam #NotGoingBack #MYunicefteam