Fundraisers ( 1 Result )

Fundraising for:

This one’s for everyone having a hard time getting motivated by the same old HIIT exercises. why exercise when you can dance?  Why walk  or run when you can STRUT. In these 45-min training sessions, you will expand and elevate your technique and stamina as we venture outdoors (solo but united and motivated with the help of snazzy technology). 1km goes by really fast  when you’re having fun. Get those steps in… but do it with plenty of sparkle. All for Persatuan Cinta Gaza Malaysia and LaFamiiaMoiz for humanity. We can’t wait to STRUT with you.  It’s 1 kilometer! 10 x 100m laps. We’ll be with you every step of the way: 1) Stability Lap (Lunges & Pliés) 2) Speed Lap (Chassés & Runs) 3) Strength & Flexibility Lap (Kicks & Extensions) 4) Power Lap (Jetés, Sautés & Sissones) 5) Footwork Lap (Pas de bourees) 6) Spotting Lap (Chainés, Piqués & Soutenus) 7) Dopamine Lap (Shuffles, Skips & Struts!) 8) Sparkle Lap (Stick it all into a fabulous combo!) 9) Encore Lap(So fabulous we do it again) 10) Recovery Lap (Safely stretch and cool down)You will need earphones, your phone and Zoom (both audio and video). You will also need to  find outdoor space measuring 100m in distance. These will be solo classes to adhere to strict FMCO SOPs. But we will train TOGETHER and united for the people Palestine.We are asking you for a minimum donation of RM50/session. Book in for yourself or challenge a friend (or several!) by paying it forward and nominating them! We will Strut on Wednesdays 16th June, 23rd June, 30th June at 8am. If you need more information, please contact us at [email protected]  

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Raised So Far : MYR 0

Target : MYR 8,000