Fundraising for:
Outward Bound Hong Kong
"The ISF Academy offers a unique education in Hong Kong. It is an independent school offering a Chinese and English immersion education with a global perspective. Striking a balance between tradition and innovation, between East and West, The ISF Academy is a connected community of learners that is based on a vision of education where the power of ideas to shape lives is understood and respected, and where hope for a better, brighter future forms an essential driving force for learning."As ISF students, our goal is to use design and primary research, our experiences to raise awareness for the trash on beaches today. Teaming up with ISF teachers on their trip to Sai Kung, we hope to help the ISF community gain knowledge on the current plastic situation in Hong Kong, and how they can make positive changes to the environment."弘立書院在香港提供一套獨特的教學模式。它是一所提供雙語沉浸式課程和具有國際視野的獨立學校,努力在傳統與創新,及中西方文化之間取得平衡。弘立書院是一個手牽手,心連心的學習社群,它理解並秉持知識可以改變人生這個道理。在這裡,學習得最大的動力,來自對擁有一個更加美好和光明未來的希望。"坐而言不如起而行,在保護環境方面,我們的老師為我們樹立了榜樣,他們走出弘立校園,到西貢清理垃圾。他們看到了什麼?他們有哪些感想?我們作為弘立的學生,是否也能在他們的經驗和行為啟發下,結合設計和研究,加深對塑料回收的認識,也以實際行動體現了弘立社區對香港垃圾處理等環保行動的參與和支持。
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