Personal Challenge


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My Story

Thanks God that my 18-year old son and I have safely completed the Marathon run. Donation to my wife's memorial fund for helping the needy breast cancer patients will continue for another couple of weeks. Donation may be made online here, or by cheque payable to "The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society" and sent to 30 Nam Long Shan Road, Hong Kong, ATTN: Lillian Woo marked for Portia Cheung Memorial Fund. I hope with donation from more people, more needy cancer patients can be blessed. Every dollar donated to the Memorial Fund will be earmarked for direct subsidy to the patients without any administrative or other costs. 衷心希望您能慷慨捐助為紀念我於2007年為因乳癌離世的愛妻而成立的「香港防癌會張謝寶英乳癌康復資助計劃」,讓更多的乳癌患者能感受到關愛及得到資助! 此「計劃」會謹守兩項原則:第一、捐款必須一分一毫皆直接給予有需要病人,無任何行政費用。第二、只需要聯絡公立醫院的社工,得到他們的推薦,每位病人就能獲得到數千元的現金資助。目的是除了為病人提供金錢上的幫助外,我們更希望病人能主動接觸醫務社工,得到適切的關懷與支持。2014年全年共批出$201,950現金資助了57名乳癌患者。鑑於政府不會提供免費正電子掃描以診斷乳癌患者擴散情況,今年將擴大「計劃」範圍,資助有需要的公立醫院乳癌患者獲私家正電子掃描服務 (每位$7,000),以幫助她們得到適切的治療。希望藉馬拉松籌得更多善款,今年可以批出$500,000或更多現金資助,讓更多的乳癌患者受惠。 My beloved wife Portia died of breast cancer in 2007. Time flies. It is nearly 8 years since Portia’s departure. Notwithstanding her illness and early departure, my wife did enjoy a blessed life on earth and had the privilege of tremendous support and care from her family and friends in times of difficulties and trials. It is both her wish before her departure and ours that more care and support can be given to those less resourceful breast cancer patients to help them maintain a good quality of life with dignity during the trying period. Last year (2014), the Memorial Fund sponsored $201,950 in cash to support 57 breast cancer patients for purchasing extra nourishment and breast prosthesis which currently are not funded by the Government or other sources. As Government will not provide free PET-scan service to needy patients for staging of cancer, the Memorial Fund will expand its scope this year to sponsor needy breast cancer patients in public hospitals to have timely PET-scan service in private clinic ($7,000 per patient) so that they can receive the most appropriate treatment. With donations received from the Marathon fundraising, I aim that the Memorial Fund can sponsor $500,000 or more this year to help more needy patients. If you are interested in knowing more of our family’s story and testimony, you may visit: -2007年5月31日明報「張達明為臨終妻辦歡送會 積極面對死亡 盡訴心中話」( -2007年恩雨之聲「告別凡間」節目 ( -2010年12月11日信報 “政在生活” 「再沒有為她流淚」( -「生命的雕琢」( - 2011年8月6日[創世電視] 如果還有明天IV 能回家真好 - 失去愛妻( -2013年10月13日香港電台【不一樣的爸爸媽媽系列】– “爸媽都是我” (。 Eric TM Cheung 張達明

Recent Donors

  • tsang ka ki angela

    HKD 500 31/03/2015

  • Edwin Lim

    well done Eric!

    HKD 8,000 08/02/2015

  • Sum Yin Ling

    HKD 500 08/02/2015

  • Corrina and Yung

    Add Oil

    HKD 1,000 08/02/2015

  • Maisie Ooi Su Lin

    HKD 500 07/02/2015

  • Chua Hoi Wai

    HKD 2,000 06/02/2015

  • Kenneth Wong


    HKD 2,500 05/02/2015

  • Sandy Wong

    HKD 1,000 04/02/2015

  • Anonymous

    HKD 200 03/02/2015

  • Anonymous

    HKD 2,500 02/02/2015

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