Those who’ve been following HKPAWS would have known all the investment and resources we have poured into Bow Wow Inn since two years ago, with the goal to provide our 🐶🐶 furkids a safe shelter even if they don’t get adopted. And we did have some happy days where our furkids were kept safe from extreme weather and danger.
Little did we know, just two years later all our investments will end in vain 😨 The landlord revoked his promise to lease us for another term and decided to take back the land 😫
So now we have no choice but to FURTHER expand on Bow Wow Inn Phase 2 which is already underway such that we can accommodate all the original residents from Phase 1.
【The additional construction cost is estimated to be HKD250,000】
Bow Wow Inn Phase 2 was a rubbled, wasted farm land to begin with. In order to turn it into an ideal home for 100 dogs, the resources, time and efforts we put towards are enormous. But our priority is always the safety and well-being of our furkids. So here we are, asking you to help us help them again. Any dollar donated will be used towards the furkids under our care.
有時我哋不禁抬頭問天… 到底幾時先可以俾我哋啲毛孩過吓安樂日子😔?
Follow開我哋專頁嘅朋友都會知道HKPaws自兩年多前開始籌備Bow Wow Inn,無他,就係希望一眾尋家既毛孩有個安樂穩定嘅居所。
日前我哋突然收到業主通知,唔再續租Bow Wow Inn地址俾我哋,原因不明😨諗返起當年簽約嘅時候業主口頭承諾,明言我哋可以放心喺呢度建一個屬於🐶🐶毛孩嘅長期安樂窩!
毛孩嘅福祉永遠都係我地既首位。所以我哋決定 — 將Bow Wow Inn 二期擴大規模,收容埋一期嘅原住民🐶‼️
所以我哋唯有再次硬著頭皮向大家請求幫忙🙏🏻一如既往,你捐俾HKPAWS嘅一分一毫都會用喺毛孩身上。最近我哋喺診所嘅帳單開始越積越多,貓屋一眾老貓健康問題逐漸出現… 義工們唔奢望可以鬆一口氣,但求毛孩平平安安。希望大家可以再次伸出援手,幫HKPAWS渡過呢個難關!
Charity No.: 91/11168
Animal Trader License Exemption No: ORG-00059
🙏 Your support matters! 🙏
HKD 800 11/06/2024 03:18:58 AM UTC
HKD 3,000 10/06/2024 08:10:19 AM UTC
HKD 300 10/01/2024 04:55:37 AM UTC
HKD 200 09/29/2024 08:32:09 AM UTC
If it weren't for HK Paws...we wouldn't have our big black sweetheart Sully Malbec. Really a shame that the landlord reneged on his deal to continue leasing to HK Paws cause they put so much hard work into making the facility liveable and a home for these deserving pups. Such a good cause . Please give if you can.
HKD 1,000 09/29/2024 06:58:48 AM UTC
一百元以上嘅捐款會獲發扣稅收據,請將捐款紀錄email 俾本會義工[email protected]
Donations of HKD 100 or more are eligible for tax-deductible receipts. Please email your donation records to [email protected].