I'm making a difference by raising money for a cause close to my heart. Please support me by donating.
My Story
Angels for Children raises awareness and funds for charities in Hong Kong, Cambodia and Indonesia to improve the lives of many children in their care.
This year ZUMBATHON is finally back 😃. It is a Big Charity Zumba Party to raise funds. This year all proceeds raised will benefit two after-school and counselling programs for the children of Po Leung Kuk in Hong Kong. Come and dance and have fun with us for a good cause (tickets under: https://www.angels-for-children.org/events/event/angels-zumbathon-2023). If you can’t join this time, please support us and leave your donation here for Angels for Children. EVERY CHILD NEEDS AN ANGEL 😇.
Thank you so much for your support.
Luci Pupke