Fundraising Event

Run for Harmony - SCHK Marathon Charity Programme 2025 跑出和諧 - 渣打香港馬拉松慈善計劃2025

  • 01/01/2025 - 28/02/2025
  • Hong Kong
HKD 32,519
16% Complete
Target : HKD 200,000

About Event

Firstly, thank you for taking an interest and giving your time to find out about our cause!

Harmony House is honored to be a chosen beneficiary of the 2025 Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon Charity Program. We have formed a "Run for Harmony" team, consisting of courageous individuals who are survivors of domestic violence and our dedicated staff who have been supporting them in their recovery journey. The team has started their training for the event which provided not only support and encouragement to develop physical strength, but also, team spirit that helps to foster mental peace and harmony.

Your support to the "Run for Harmony" team with your donation towards the targeted amount of funds to raise, will not only send the message of care and believe in the survivors’ ability to conquer anything they have set their mind to achieve, it will also provide the funding for Harmony House to help more victims and survivors of domestic violence to rebuild their lives. Our services include:

1.     Professional psychological counseling to help victim’s process emotional trauma and rebuild their confidence and improve mental health.

2.     Provide short-term financial aid and living allowances to help stabilize victims’ lives after escaping violent environments.

3.     Establish support groups where victims and survivors can share stories, challenges, and experiences, alleviating feelings of loneliness, encouraging one another, and building a support network.

4.     Providing a 24-hour crisis hotlines to ensure that victims can access emergency support and emotional counseling at any time.

Your donation can bring transformative change to the lives of domestic violence victims, help them regain dignity and rebuild hopeful lives. Every dollar you contribute will serve as a bridge to a brighter future for them, ensuring that each help seeking individual feels valued, supported, and encouraged. Your generosity will make a difference for many families.

Together, let’s run for harmony and act for love!


和諧之家 (Harmony House)很榮幸成為渣打香港馬拉松慈善計劃2025指定受惠機構。我們已組成 “跑出和諧” 隊伍,團隊成員包括勇敢的家庭暴力倖存者以及一直在復原路上支援他們的熱心員工。團隊已開始為此次的活動進行訓練,鍛鍊除了加強體格健康外,還培養了團隊精神,有助於促進心靈平靜與和諧。

您對 “跑出和諧” 隊伍的支持和捐贈,不但向他們傳遞關愛,並讓他們相信家暴倖存者有能力克服挑戰和困難,達成目標。同時亦為和諧之家提供支持和援助,服務更多家暴受害者和倖存者重建生活。我們的服務包括:

1. 提供專業心理輔導服務,幫助受害者處理情感創傷,重建信心,改善心理健康。

2. 提供短期經濟援助和生活津貼,幫助受害者在逃離家暴環境後仍能徇得以穩定生活。

3. 建立互助小組,受害者和倖存者可以互相分享故事、挑戰與經驗,緩解孤獨感,互相鼓勵,建立支援網路。

4. 提供24小時危機熱線,以確保受害者隨時可以獲得緊急支援和情緒輔導。

