We are raising funds to conduct the CerDik programme to help nurture personal development and motivate 13 Orang Asli school children aged 12 years at Sekolah Kebangsaan (Asli) Bukit Cheding, Kampung Seri Cheeding, Jenjarom, Selangor.
Since 2020, they have missed classes as
schools closed and were left behind in online classes due to lack of access to
the internet and mobile devices.
They barely passed all subjects in their recent school exams in early 2021. We want to motivate and guide them on how to study and manage their time so that they are able to focus on their studies. These children have great potential and are good students. They have shown great interest to learn new things and can improve better in terms of communication and study skills. Our objectives are to reduce absenteeism in school and drop-out rates in secondary school.
Your help will enable these students to be active citizens, better communicators and lifelong learners.
A small contribution from you can change their lives for a better future.