Fundraising Event

HOPE ANCHORS Charity Challenge 2019

  • 20/02/2019 - 31/05/2019
  • Hong Kong
HKD 846,454
56% Complete
Target : HKD 1,500,000 Raised Offline : HKD 520,991

About Event

Mother’s Choice HOPE ANCHORS Charity Challenge


1.     捐款予「母親的抉擇」, 贊助Gary的慈善長跑, 請即點擊”馬上捐款”.

2.     訂下您的慈善挑戰。 鎖定的挑戰可以是好玩有趣的、體能的、淘氣搞怪的、或是挑戰極限的,並可以個人、小組或家庭單位參加。請即點擊 “開始籌款”

3.     2019年4月28日下午1時至4時於數碼港舉行的歡迎回家閉幕典禮,迎接Gary和他的團隊凱旋歸來。屆時將有適合一家大小的遊戲攤位和演藝等活動供各位參與。請按這裡登記。期待能夠見到您呢!

Be a Hope Giver:

Like Gary, you too can be a Hope Giver for Mother’s Choice. Here are three ways.

1.     Make a donation to Mother’s Choice by clicking “Donate Now” button, sponsoring Gary’s charity run.

2.     Set your own Charity Challenge. the challenge can be fun, physical, silly or test personal limits, and can be done as an individual, group or family by clicking "Start Fundraising” button.

3.     Join us at the Homecoming Closing Ceremony at Cyberport on April 28, 2019, Sunday, 1.00-4.00pm to welcome Gary and his team back to HK. This will be a family-friendly event with fun games and entertainment. Click here to register. Hope to see you there!


我們很高興地宣佈視障超級跑手梁小偉Gary將於2019年3月25日至4月28日挑戰北京-香港長跑,以作慈善籌款和提高對「母親的抉擇」的服務工作之認識。他將聯同超過35人的領跑員團隊,以北京為出發點,用35 天時間穿過7個省份跑回香港。他的目標是希望藉著是次慈善長跑鼓勵個人以及家庭,在面對生命挑戰時迎難而上。只要懷抱希望,必有可能克服困難並完成自己所超乎想像的!

We are excited to announce that visually-impaired ultra-runner, Gary Siu-wai Leung, will be running from Beijing to Hong Kong to raise funds and awareness of the work of Mother’s Choice. From March 23 to April 28, 2019, Gary and his team of more than 35 guide runners will run through 7 provinces over 35 days. His goal for this charity run is to encourage and empower individuals and families to rise up to life’s many challenges. It is possible to overcome and achieve incredible things when you have HOPE!  

母親的抉擇一直見證著透過希望的力量爲生命得到轉化。 希望猶如穩固的錨,在面對生命的試煉和逆境風浪時,能賦予勇氣成長並帶來治癒 。這也是梁小偉為「母親的抉擇」作出慈善長跑的原因,過去他正是通過跑步為他帶來希望,幫助他從 2009 年一夜變盲而墮進抑鬱中,恢復過來。

Mother’s Choice sees lives transformed through the power of hope. Hope is an anchor that provides the courage to grow and heal through the storms of life’s trials and adversity. This is why Gary is running for Mother’s Choice because it was hope, through running, that brought him out of depression after becoming blind in 2009.

Fundraiser Leaderboard
