I'm making a difference by raising money for a cause close to my heart. Please support me by donating.
Recent Donors
Kevin Yip
HKD 100 10/06/2023 06:54:30 AM UTC
Anthony Chiu
HKD 800 10/03/2023 07:39:12 AM UTC
Clara Lo
HKD 200 09/27/2023 06:13:46 PM UTC
Anurag Pillai
HKD 100 09/22/2023 02:51:26 AM UTC
Angel Lam
Add oil lay!
HKD 200 09/20/2023 03:46:02 AM UTC
Andy Wong
Run faster!
HKD 100 09/20/2023 03:20:01 AM UTC
Saiya Hu
Larry.. target too low!
HKD 200 09/20/2023 01:52:17 AM UTC
Cheng Li
Keep it up~
HKD 200 09/20/2023 12:02:06 AM UTC
Leona Ng
Enjoy the walk
HKD 200 09/19/2023 09:29:14 AM UTC
Joann Ho
Hey Lay, you really need more friends.
HKD 100 09/19/2023 07:01:07 AM UTC