
A small gift of RM10 can help reducing the inequality in education and give the children a bright future

My Story

No one should be excluded from getting an education. However, some children do not have this privilege as they were born in low-income households. Growing up thinking education is not important and already planned to go work at a very young age saddens me because they are too young to think about work but they have to as their situation forces them to grow up fast.

Education inequality in Sabah is still an ongoing serious issue although we are living in the 21st century. It impacted students the most during the pandemic. Virtual learning is very difficult for them due to lack of resources and accessibility to the internet. I once read a news article where some students were injured while they were searching the internet for online classes.Their dedication to get the education hit me as I realise I do not appreciate enough the privilege that I have.

Hence, here I am today, taking part as a volunteer for Project Anak Malaysia, and my objective is to collect sufficient funds for the children in Sabah and help them as much as possible for their preparation for UPSR. This will be my first time volunteering so I have so much emotion right now. Happy, nervous? The feeling is just indescribable. Your support definitely means the world to me. Let's raise funding together for the children in Sabah so they can get the equality in education as they deserve!  

Recent Donors

  • Irfan Shah

    Everyone deserves educations ! Lets make this one a great start !

    MYR 25 06/26/2023 10:12:50 AM UTC

  • Arifah Qashrina

    Goodluck sis all the best ! 🥰❤️

    MYR 20 06/03/2023 10:00:33 AM UTC

  • daisy

    Let’s share our happiness and make the world a better place. Rooting for you 🫶🏻

    MYR 20 05/25/2023 10:11:18 PM UTC

  • Ain Sofi Muhamad Faizal

    Selamat Maju Jaya

    MYR 10 05/25/2023 03:02:36 PM UTC

  • Anonymous

    MYR 10 05/25/2023 02:06:34 PM UTC

  • Mi -


    MYR 20 05/23/2023 09:08:38 PM UTC

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