
Childline Foundation

  • Malaysia    Abuse, Children, Disability, Education, Emotional Support, Health, Human Rights, Humanitarian Aid, Indigenous, Mental Health, Poverty, Refugees, Rescue, Social Welfare, Youth
Raised So Far MYR 61,057 Raised Offline : MYR 20,488

Childline Foundation

Childline Foundation is a non profit organization registered since 2006 to uphold the rights of children (0-18 years) to survival, protection, development and participation in Malaysia as provided under the Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989, local laws and policies.  We work closely with Unicef Malaysia, NGOs and key government Ministries to enable the best interests of children including the setting up of 15999 Childline, a 24 hour free helpline dedicated to children.


To ensure all children in Malaysia are listened to and protected from harm


1) To uphold children’s rights to be listened to and for their participation in decision making at community, state and national levels.

2) To enable and empower communities to safeguard children from any harm, cruelty or maltreatment.

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