
KELY Support Group

  • Hong Kong    Children, Education, Emotional Support, Health, Poverty, Social Welfare, Welfare, Youth
Raised So Far HKD 770,122 Raised Offline : HKD 39,468

KELY Support Group

KELY Support Group (KELY) is a Hong Kong-based nonprofit organisation whose mission is to equip young people with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities needed to support themselves and each other. We envision a world where young people are empowered to reach their full potential.

Our Programmes
We collaborate with schools and other partners to offer programmes to Chinese- and English-speaking youth between the ages of 14 and 24 around our three core focus areas: Drug and Alcohol Awareness, Mental Well Being, and Positive Youth Development.

Drug and Alcohol Awareness
At KELY, we work to prevent and reduce the harm associated with drug and alcohol abuse. Our Drug and Alcohol Awareness programmes equip young people with the skills and knowledge needed to avoid using drugs and alcohol, protect themselves and make healthy choices, and support their peers.

Mental Health & Wellbeing
We take at preventative approach to our Mental Health & Wellbeing programmes and focus on helping young people to understand their own emotions, cope with stress, and know how to help themselves as well as their peers. In situations where we identify additional mental health needs, we work with a strong network of referral organisations that can provide in-depth one-on-one counseling.

Positive Youth Development
Our Positive Youth Development programmes create opportunities for young people to explore and develop life skills and creative expressions, increasing their aspirations for the future. We focus specifically on disadvantaged youth, who typically don't have access to skills-building programmes of this nature.

啟勵扶青會 (啟勵) 是本港非牟利機構,自1991年起,我們旨在扶植青年裝備所需技能、知識及機會,推動朋輩間互助精神。我們致力啟發青年潛能,帶他們走進一個讓其盡展所長的世界。




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