
Paws United Charity

  • Hong Kong    Animals, Rescue
Raised So Far HKD 267,959 Raised Offline : HKD 14,560

Paws United Charity

Paws United Charity (PUC) is a non-profit, all-volunteer rescue organization established and registered in Hong Kong (ORG00102)

Our core mission is to continue to improve the lives of animals in our community by promoting responsible pet ownership, humane treatment of animals and choosing adoption instead of purchase.

We value collaboration – whether it is with our volunteers, fosters, sponsors, vet partners or core team – as we believe unity is needed to achieve great results. Together, we work to keep our companion animals safe and in permanent homes.

Paws United Charity (PUC) 是在香港成立的全義工運作註冊非牟利機構 (ORG000102)



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