Personal Fundraising

Veasna Luy

  • Cambodia    Children, Education

Veasna Luy

Little Library, Big Hope 

“Expand Hope With Every Little Library”
 The “Little Library, Big Hope” is a fundraising campaign initiated by The Beautiful Learning Cambodia with the aim to raise $5,000 in order to support the project to create more little libraries in all over 25 provinces of Cambodia. Help us reach 4 more provinces such as Oddar Meanchey, Pailin, Koh Kong, and Kratie so that all children have access to knowledge, quality education, a bigger world, and a bigger hope through our small libraries everywhere in Cambodia. Additionally, we celebrated the 100th library in August 2024 and would love to have your support in further promoting children’s education. Each and every of your donations are the building block of a brighter future for children in Asia!  

About The Beautiful Learning Cambodia
 is a registered INGO in Cambodia originated from The Beautiful Learning of South Korea, an NGO that focuses on advocating for children's right to education in Asia. Little Library Project is a part of main corporation project has tirelessly worked to enhance the quality of children’s education and literacy level in Cambodia by establishing little libraries and offering education programs and volunteering opportunities for youth. Most importantly, our end goal is to create 10,000 little libraries across Asia especially in developing countries. As of August 2024, we have officially reached a total number of 100 libraries in Cambodia and The Philippines.

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