
Help us celebrate Reina's birthday by helping women and girls most in need.

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My Story

Reina (aka Peppa Pig) decided to celebrate #WomensDay by taking a real action towards gender equality. We are pledging her 4th birthday for a very important cause. This year instead of gifts, we would like to receive your support to help women and girls most in need. Your donation will go towards UN Women, to support Rohingya women and girls living in refugee camps in Cox's Bazaar. Help us change the lives of many girls!

Thank you so much for your contribution!

The issue: 

Since August 2017, more than 745,000 Rohingya refugees have fled into Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Women and children are hit hardest by the crowding. At night, women must dare the darkness to go to the camp toilets, given the lack of adequate lighting and security in the area.
UN Women works to ensure that  Rohingya women and girls are safe and have access to education, health care, and economic empowerment opportunities. 

Your support will help to:

  1. Establish more Multi-Purpose Women Centres as safe spaces for women, where women are safe, get psycho-social support, paramedic care, health and emergency services, and life-saving information.
  2. Build additional women-only toilets and bathing facilities, offering women greater sanitation, and security.
  3. Support skills training to provide women with income-generating opportunities.
  4. Advance gender equality.

Join me and set up your own fundraiser:

Recent Donors

  • Marie P

    USD 100 28/05/2019

  • Kubat Sydykov

    THB 2,500 23/05/2019

  • Nurayim ejen

    USD 50 01/04/2019

  • Lisa Byrne

    Happy belated birthday Reina-Peppa! Laos misses you!!

    USD 10 27/03/2019

  • Jenishbek D

    Happy birthday and Happy Nooruz, Reina.

    USD 100 22/03/2019

  • Nurlan Sydykov

    Дорогая моя племяшка Рейна, поздравляем тебя с твоим днем рождения! Желаем тебе здоровья, счастья, хорошей учебы в садике, отличных друзей, чтобы ты всегда нас радовала своими успехами. Ты - молодец. Не болей. Привет из Кыргызстана. Very proud of you, Reina. Well done.

    THB 1,000 14/03/2019

  • Tamara Bekieva

    Дорогая наша Рейна, с днем рождения! Ты- молодец, что вместо подарков даришь возможность другим девочкам, которым меньше повезло, возможность улучшить свою жизнь. Пусть твои старания принесут успехи. Будь всегда благосклонна и добра к другим людям.

    USD 20 14/03/2019

  • Gulnaz Imamniyazova

    My dear Reina, Happy birthday to you! Be happy, smart and healthy! My dearest Aijamal! You should know that you are the best one! And you are the first one in UN Women who started this very useful process! I am really proud of you!

    USD 20 14/03/2019

  • Shu Wang

    Happy birthday Reina! So proud of you.

    USD 10 11/03/2019

  • Azhara Torekhankyzy

    USD 10 09/03/2019

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