Personal Challenge

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My Story

我是奧比斯義務眼科醫生,曾去不同發展中國家培訓眼科醫生,服務失明人士。除了醫護工作,今年我參加了奧比斯隊,同一班奧比斯的支持者身體力行為失明人士籌款。希望大家鼎力支持,踴躍捐款予奧比斯,不單讓我有更大力量做出自己的更好成績,更傳送光明予生活在黑暗世界的眼疾患者,燃點他們重獲視力的希望!多謝大家! Hello! I am an Orbis volunteer ophthalmologist helping to alleviate blindness in developing countries. Apart from usual duty, I am participating in the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon with other Orbis supporters to raise fund for the needy. Please don’t hesitate to support me by donating to Orbis. Your generosity not only motivates me to run faster, but also enlightens hope of people living in the darkness. 賴旭佑醫生 Dr. Timothy Lai

Recent Donors

  • George Ko

    HKD 500 24/01/2015

  • Lam Chit Fai

    HKD 100 20/01/2015

  • Josephine Ng

    Thank you for your job done to the needed. Please keep on doing such meaningful work!

    HKD 500 20/01/2015

  • Agatha Fung

    Hi, Timothy, I am also a donor of Orbis. Fully support you. Add Oil !

    HKD 2,500 20/01/2015

  • Albert Shum - BAS (H.K.) Ltd

    HKD 1,000 20/01/2015

  • Mr Kwok


    HKD 500 20/01/2015

  • Sabrina Leung


    HKD 500 20/01/2015

  • Anonymous

    HKD 100 20/01/2015

  • Lina

    Keep running!😃

    HKD 1,000 18/01/2015

  • Stella Chan

    HKD 500 08/01/2015

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