Fundraisers ( 1 Result )

Fundraising for:
The National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM)
All parents have a wish in common - for their children to receive formal education from primary schools to universities, make friends along the way, and become useful members of the society. Unfortunately, due to complex neurological disorders affecting the brain function, children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are different from other children. They are even different from each other. Without help at early age, many may not be able to attend schools. And many, even with help, may never get formal education. And many, may not have friends all their lives. There is no real place for many children with autism in normal schools, even in special needs classes. The schools are not equipped to teach and care for them. There are not enough places for everyone. Those with severe degrees of autism may not even be accepted anywhere. Many will not finish school. Many will not be able to progress to the next levels in a normal person’s life cycle. Many will not get jobs. Many will be dependent on family members all their lives. Parents cannot help but worry every single day about the future of their children with autism and what will happen when it’s time for them to leave the world. NASOM gives children with autism and their parents hopes for a better future. We have been doing it for 29 years. Our comprehensive and affordable lifespan services cover screening, diagnosis, early intervention, mainstream school support, vocational, sheltered workshop and therapy programs for children as young as 3 years old to adults over 30 years old. A number of them have been with us for over 20 years. We help parents to manage their children’s needs at home. We don’t pick and choose our students. We don’t turn away anyone, except those with serious medical conditions beyond our ability to handle. In the current economic scenario, many corporate and business donors are cutting costs and CSR budgets. The majority of our 20 centres nationwide are facing challenges to raise funds the traditional way to cover the cost of services at their centres. Without continuous charitable donation, contribution and support, we will not be able to continue to provide our services to 500 children with autism under our care and 1,000 parents. Your donation will be used to pay part of the costs of dedicated and caring teachers at our 20 centres nationwide, rental of centre properties, utilities, maintenance and upkeep, and teaching supplies so that we can continue to give hopes for a better future to our 500 students and their parents. NASOM is a non-profit, charitable NGO and a tax-exempt charity. We charge our parents affordable fees which are below our costs so that our services will be accessible to a growing number of children with autism in Malaysia especially those who come from low income parents.