Donation Appeal

Help Baby Sharon and His Family

  • Malaysia
Raised So Far MYR 3,100
100% Complete
Target : MYR 3,100 Raised Offline : MYR 2,550

About Appeal

Baby Sharon is 1 years old. His parents are refugees living in Malaysia, originally from Sri Lanka. The family is registered under the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as a Recognized Refugee. Baby Sharon has global developmental delay, and is undergoing multiple procedures and tests and will require treatments from paediatric neurologist, dietician, radiologist as well as an occupational therapist which will involve long term care for the child.

The doctors treating him  believe that the cause of the delay could be linked to genetic factors. Sharon will also be referred to three departments, namely; Occupational Therapy, Ophthalmology and Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) for assessments on swallowing, sight and hearing respectively. The Genetic Team will then take over the case and outline a treatment plan. The cost for each visit to the respective departments would be RM 60.00 after a 50% discount.

To add to this challenge for the family, both his parents are diagnosed with psychiatric illnesses and are currently receiving pharmacological intervention. His mother is also diagnosed with chronic asthma and spends an average of RM 105.00 for her asthma medication. 

With regards to livelihood, Sharon's father is the sole breadwinner of the family of three and works part time as a construction worker. He earns RM 70.00 per day and works an average of three to four days a week.
No doubt they are struggling to survive and hence YCK has launched this appeal to assist the family in raising funds to help them through this challenging times. Donations raised will be used for:
  • Rent: 650 x 3 months = RM1950
  • Utilities: 80 x 3 months = RM240
  • Formula Milk: 70 x 3 months = RM210
  • Diapers: 30 x 3 months = RM150
  • Asthma medication: 105 x 3 months = RMRM315
  • Consultation Fees: 60 x 4 months = RM240
  • TOTAL: RM3,100

All donations will receive tax exemption from YCK.

Thank you for your help and contribution.

Recent Donors 4

  • Anonymous

    Raised Offline

    MYR 2,550 04/19/2021 12:00:00 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    MYR 150 04/17/2021 05:43:07 PM UTC

  • Anonymous

    MYR 100 04/17/2021 03:32:06 PM UTC

  • Anonymous

    MYR 300 04/12/2021 01:19:17 PM UTC
