
Yayasan Chow Kit, "Every Child Matters"

  • Malaysia    Abuse, Children, Education, Poverty, Women
Raised So Far MYR 349,358 Raised Offline : MYR 120,755

Yayasan Chow Kit, "Every Child Matters"

In 2006, what started out as an expansion of a government-run day care centre, grew into a 24-hour crisis and drop-in centre, providing meals, activities, therapy, case management, and educational programmes for at-risk children of Chow Kit. Four years later, there are now additional two centres providing quality care and services to children ranging from babies to young adults. 

Our experience of working at the grassroots level has led to the discovery of an array of multi-faceted socio-cultural issues affecting such diverse groups of people living in Chow Kit. Realising that in order to provide a better facilitation of issues the community is facing, it paved the way for an establishment of an organisation that is based within the area in addition to having a structured and sustainable development of community-based programmes.

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