Fundraising Event


  • 05/12/2017 - 28/02/2018
  • Malaysia
MYR 1,142
14% Complete
Target : MYR 8,000

About Event


The Yayasan Chow Kit Home-schooling program provides education that fosters personal growth and development, academic excellence, motivated life-long learners and responsible global citizens for children who ordinarily may not have ready access to formal education. Working with children between the ages of 13-18 years age, the home-schooling program serves primarily undocumented and refugee children living within the KL area, mostly within Chow Kit.

We are seeking funds to support the following projects:

1. We try to provide skills training that could help its students attain self-sufficiency and secure economic independence in their future lives.  One effort to achieve this specific objective is through having life-skills classes to enable student to cultivate skills that will be very beneficial to have when they eventually enter the job-market later on. One of the courses is Sewing Class which allows the children not only to sew but how to problem solve, plan and design. It builds imagination, perseverance and confident during the process of sewing. In addition, the students managed to contribute a sum of money to their Homeschool by designing and sewing pillows. This is such a great success for these kids! RM1,500 will allow us to buy materials needed for the sewing and bookmark project.

2. In Homeschool, our Environmental program offers our students acitivites that are meaningful to them. It includes outdoor activities to clean up the environment and to teach children recycling and civic consciousness. RM 3500.00 covers 4 trips in a year to clean up parks, other NGO/community centres, Orang Asli village (they also help the orang asli community with Hygiene awareness program, paint the homes, rebuild where needed)

3. Award's Day for homeschooling - This is a day where all children who do not have equal access to public school are schooled in YCK's literacy program and towards the end of the year, we celebrate the children's achievement. RM 2000.00 will cover cost of event space, trophies, food and certs.

For 2018, please help us to sustain these programmes! The impact on our Homeschool children is invaluable. 
